When it comes to drive, several major rules have to be respected :
- seat belt : everyone moving in a vehicle has to wear one.
- drinking : same laws as in the United Kingdom, namely you must not have more than 80mg/100ml of blood. Regular police patrols are here to control.
- required documents : valid passport, original vehicle registration document, owner’s written authority (if not the driver), authority from the finance company (if the car is secured against a debt)
- speed limits : 50 km/h in town, 80 km/h on open roads and 100 km/h on highways
- minimum driving age : to be able to drive in Lesotho, you must be at list 18 years old. The minimum age to rent a car is 21. People under 25 are likely to have to pay a premium for your lack of experience and age.
- safety camera warming devices : detectors for safety cameras are not illegal, however it remains important to stick to the speed limitations
- on the spot fines : if the police stops you, do not try to negociate. Sometimes you might be asked to pay cash when stopped. If you can safely refuse, do so to contribute to the anti corruption campaign. You should be given a ticket explaining the offence and how to pay the fine would be indicated.
- child safety rules : no specific low for children protection. Of course you have to keep them safe.
- insurance : a third part insurance is needed for driving in Lesotho, and you are expected to prove if if you are stopped.
- rules of the road : common international driving laws apply, except that you will drive on the left, that many road will require a 4x4 during the rainy season, and that you have to pay attention to people who step into the road without looking
- use of the mobile phone : prohibited while driving
- towing regulations : no specific regulation, make sure that you have a good visibility and that you automobile is well attached
- speed cameras : no fixed speed cameras in the country, and few mobile speed traps. However drive sensibly and in accordance with road conditions for your safety and that of others.